
28 腦海的深層之光.jpg

28. 腦海的深層之光

我們的腦海是一片廣闊的汪洋,日常生活思考運作於表層的海面部分,它經常會因爲表象世界的光怪陸離 荒誕不公 紛亂無常而波瀾起伏混濁不清。

幸好,管它表層海面多麽風雨飄搖激蕩不安,腦海的深層水域都不會受到絲毫影響。深層腦海是我們的潛意識領域這裡潛藏了生命光源的本初記憶, 閃耀著不朽海洋的粼粼金光,永遠清澈明透 平靜安寧……

深層腦海是表層腦海的聆聽者、見證者、記錄者、指引者、和包容者。當表層意識受到困擾而紊亂混淆時,只要讓意識一直後退回流,返回背後的深層之光, 思想的混戰和小我的煩憂便能得到即時的安撫、舒緩和超越。唯有如此,表層腦海才能重拾清晰透澈光明貫通,而你最需要的真正答案亦會隨之漸漸浮現。


28 腦海的深層之光(小圓圖).jpg

28. The Luminous Mind-Ocean

Our mind is a boundless sea of profound depth, and the daily thinking operates at the shallow water, which can get stirred/murky/irritated/chaotic easily due to the irony/injustice/inequalities bombarded by life.

Luckily, however turbulent it may be, another part of the mind can never be affected to the least!!  The deep water of the mind is our subconscious, it retains the primordial memory of the immortal soul, and is always calm, peaceful, crystal clear and eternally shinning…

The deep mind is in fact the shelter/listener/counselor of the apparent mind, so whenever the brain feels tense/tight/troubled, simply allow the consciousness to release/retract/return and dive into the background ocean of light, the afflictions caused by inner or outer fighting can get an immediate soothing/relieving/enlightening.

By this way, the brain can resume its clarity and energy little by little, and the proper answer that you need will pop up to the surface accordingly.  

    心靈 抗疫 勵志 療傷
    創作者 星星小王子 的頭像

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