25. 自我大洋蔥
衝破這道自囚 自鎖 自困一生的自我時鐘!!!
放膽去活出你的真我、你的夢! 也許你會心碎,但迎向你的將是更大 更闊 更深的愛!!
只因自我是一個只能依附於表象 形相 數字的可憐蟲, 它永遠被時間壓縮 掣肘 削弱 消磨 催逼,卻非你……的真我!
只有你,任它歲月流逝天地轉移,仍會像今天一樣年青; 超越時間、凌駕距離,在生命家源的精靈銀河中恆久永新……
25. The Giant Ego Onion
The Ego is an actively growing demon onion, it likes to spin out layers and layers of anger/desire/fear/worry/vanities, which traps our heart so tightly that the spirit dwelling within is suffocating to dying.
Look closely into this stubborn/rigid/fixated/confined onion, try to soften it with gentle breathings, and allow its layers to peel off one after one, until the soul at the deepest core is revived and set free.
Once you return to the total openness of the heart, you can regain the joyful freedom of playfulness. Even if you find more heartbreak, there will always be more love!!
Try to break through the clock that traps the Ego for life, and live your dreams! Failure is nothing pathetic, if ever the spirit has truly awakened for one brief second!!
The Ego always wants to prove itself,
The Ego keeps on doubting itself,
The Ego can’t stop judging itself,
Because it is the poor one that is always bounded by face/form/figures, and most of all: time!
On the contrary, the soul is eternal and it will never die, so its clock has only one reading: Now!!
Only you, your spirit, no matter how the Earth and sky shatter, shall stay young and unbroken, transcend time and distance, and forever shine out anew in the home of the ocean of Love…