真正的幸福也許是一種釋放、開啓、擴張、發現…… 發現你是和世上所有生命景色共存並生的,都市中許許多多辛勤工作的職人、流離無家的浪人、上下皆不是的懸空人,身邊的慈悲大樹、可愛小鳥、驕懶貓兒、純白小花、柔亮青草,以至遠南的孤獨巨鯨、傻傻企鵝、快樂海豚、漂泊信天翁、白皚雪峰、晶透碧湖、藍藍清風、閃閃汪洋……全都陪伴著你在這顆孤零星球上不停迷茫旋轉 爭相高歌 遙遠唱和……
幸福不過是一刻的發現, 發現此刻……已在幸福的深深緊抱中……
10. Happiness is a Moment of Revelation
I once thought contentment is something endowed by the others, but never realized that every stand alone ‘other’ is also a fragile and helpless ‘me’, what a feeble limited individual can offer is most likely limited and feeble.
Maybe true happiness is just an instant release/opening/expansion/awareness, aware that you are part of the great wholeness of all lives: all the tirelessly working city dwellers, the homeless vagabonds, the lost ones hanging around the cross roads, the compassionate big trees, the delicate birdies, the mischievous kittens, the perfumed roses, the sun lit grasses, and also the loneliest 52-Hertz whale, the wandering albatrosses, the snow-capped mountains, the whispering winds, the glittering blue oceans… They are all accompanying you to spin around the Earth, dancing their own songs, and celebrating life in their unique distinctive demeanors…
The inner bliss of breathing life together with all beings, is the real joy no one can ever take away from you!!
Happiness is simply a moment of awakening, awaken to the sensation that you are already cuddled by infinite happiness ever after…