39. 徒勞無功的無限拼搏
人生是否一場永無止盡的苦痛循環? 我雖一生都在拼命追趕奮力衝前,自以爲已跑得很遠,卻總是當頭一棒又驚見原步起點,一切的努力努力再加努力爲何空剩徒然?
天梯遠處偶然會現出一點指引之光,但只是短閃的一刹,一切又跌墜迷途。就向著那似曾浮現的光亮摸黑前行吧,你必須傾盡一生 竭盡全力 不斷踏前!!
當途中所有的快樂和痛苦都已嘗遍嘗盡 嘗通嘗透,亦是天梯頂點 天門開啓 永恒光輝通達你身之時。
39. Endless Efforts in Futile
Is living just a game of meaningless struggles? All my life I have been desperately running forward, yet ironically, over and over again, I was hit back to the same original spot! Why are all the strivings all doomed to nothingness?
But then, if you take a closer look, those similar scenes are not exactly identical, the runway that trapped you into infinitely looping is in fact a glorious spiraling stairway to heaven!
Sometimes a guiding light above the Stairway would emerge for a briefest second, then everything immediately fell back into darkness. Just keep on going towards that dim light, you must keep striding forward, with all the passion you’ve got, every single hour of your days!!
None of the energy that you give shall ever be wasted. Every turn of darkness, every tiny step forward, shall bring you a step closer to the Home of divine light. The purpose of life on Earth, is simply to fulfill all our own desire/struggle/fear/shame/wounds, until they are happy to let us go.
When all the pain and happiness along the way have been thoroughly experienced/tasted/understood/transcended, it’d be time the eternal divine light at end of the Stairway ultimately shines upon you!!