
38 姿彩繽紛的大拼圖.jpg

38. 姿彩繽紛的流光大拼圖


在大拼圖心目中你是件完美拼塊,就如星星般閃爍、小花般純美、白雲般自由,只有你的出現才能令拼圖得以圓滿完成。你的價值並不隸附於你的顔值、你的年齡、你的財富、你的擁有、或你有多少的👍……,只因——你生命的本身已超越了所有評價,你此刻的存在就是永恒 完美!!


38 姿彩繽紛的大拼圖(小圓圖).jpg

38. The Grand Jigsaw Puzzle of Light

The World is a mega Jigsaw Puzzle of ever-surging Light, you are a tiny piece of mosaic within, maybe you think it’s so weird/fragmentary/crushed, or that it’s too insignificant/fragile/dispensable, yet the entire universe would be utterly incomplete without you!

In the eyes of the oceanic Puzzle you are perfectly beautiful, shining like a star, pure as a flower, free as the wind, only your very presence could make it whole.  Your self-worth does not depend on your look/age/wealth/possessions or how many👍s you get, because your beauty is beyond all judgements, your presence here and now is eternal perfection!!

Be happy with exactly where you are right now, enjoy the Puzzle’s amusing nonstop happenings and repetitions, and learn to accept/appreciate/love/embrace your limited self unconditionally, although it’s not an easy task, it’s the only truly great thing you will ever do for the world!!

    心靈 抗疫 勵志 療傷
    創作者 星星小王子 的頭像

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