42. 瞳孔中的永恒星光
他由始至終都是一顆專屬於你的秘密幸運星,他為你傳送的愛就如源泉般源源湧出、不息增長、超越生死、無窮綻放…… 他是你頭頂的北極星、及留駐瞳孔中的永恒星光, 永遠安住你心,又在星空中環抱照耀著你,共你闖過每一個當下,保佑終生伴你到老,給你信念 超越恐懼 抱擁明天 在落寞的星球繼續行走……
42. The Eternal Starlight Shinning in your Eyes
You once had the love of your life, her presence was even more important than the entire universe. She was the guiding light of your way, the faith of your spirit, the driving force of your will power, and the source of all of your hopes.
But then the force of nature took her away mercilessly; even though there are millions and millions of people wandering around the world, you could no longer trace her presence anyhow anywhere. All you left with the remaining days are merely deep boundless grief…incessantly bleeding gash…
Yet the truth is, her love for you has never left this world but is reborn in the form of new Love. The illusion of separation created by time-space is an imperative precondition before inseparable connection could be firmed. Legend said that true soulmates are from the same star, they had known each other before ever met, and could never be separated despite goodbye!!
She is your secret Lucky Star from beginning to end. Her love for you is like an eternal spring: perpetually emerging, timelessly renewing, continually blossoming…
She is the North Star right above you & the everlasting starlight shinning in your eyes: always abides in you heart, guards you for life, and shall guide you through every danger and difficulty towards the uncertain future on this very lonely planet…