
32 樹心的歌聲.jpg

32. 樹心的歌聲





樹心的歌聲,原來你就是我的終極鄉愁我失落的愛的根源,你就是讓我傾盡一生 耗盡心力 盲目兜轉地球百千轉在追尋的,那段千般依戀 痛失太久 卻無從尋獲的 家的記憶……Home…… 

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32. The Music of Trees

It is such a beautiful day today, the sun is shinning so brightly, the grasses flicker their translucent jade with the winds, and the air is filled with the sweet perfume of greenness.  I lose myself in the ambience while leaning on a big tree. 

All of a sudden the tree touches me with his inner singing …Om…  The voice vibrates such tenderness, so warm and familiar, like a dim memory, and the recall of a long lost love, the vibrations penetrate right through my deepest heart that has never been reached before.

The inner voice of trees, chanting the song that pervades and transcends all phenomena, is indeed the sacred sound of your very own heart!!  Simply ignore/forget/cut off all the outside noises, and breath/feel deeply into your open heart,  an immediate reconnection/remembrance/resonance will begin…

…Om…   Singing the melody of love that permeates all forms…

…Om…  Humming the backdrop of starlight that embraces the entire universe

…Om…  My utmost nostalgia, my long lost roots…

…Om… At last I found you…  my final Home of Peace 

    心靈 抗疫 勵志 療傷

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