2. 幸福的圖像
道路的遠方有一幀圖像,它看上去是如此的美好、幸福、快樂, 我深信只要得到它,便能終生幸福快樂永遠。
惶惶終日朝夕煎熬,歲月蹉跎半生驟過,終於我走近了我的畫面,卻發現影像只是一幅沒生命的死物,原來一切的美好只是來自距離的模糊、臆想的投射,一幕虛假的幻像、一場自我的欺騙,空中霍然響起了千陣訕笑……嘲笑我的 盲目虛妄自欺、狼狽癲狂徒勞!!
我跳穿這幅框鎖 囚鎖 困鎖一生的可笑圖像,把所有歸還,起步漫遊於我唯一的僅有——‘Now’…… 在時光波流不息降灑的綻放抱擁中,方才發現路途上原來滿佈精彩,身邊浮現的人物景色無時無刻不在幻變旋環 交流激蕩 消逝再生顯現出無可預計的奇幻色彩……
真正的恆久美麗不就是沿途不斷飄逝流過的所有? 爲何我偏一路搏鬥?
2. The Image of Happiness
At the end the road there’s a picture, it seems full of bliss/happiness/pleasures, I am sure if I could grasp it, I shall have happiness ever after.
It’s the goal of my life! In order to chase it, I aim the target and start running, I need to fight with time, and I have to battle with distance; every passerby seems to be an enemy to compete, I must hasten and rush as fast as possible.
Panic and fearful as the years drifted away, it’s already half a lifetime away, finally I come close to the vision, it turns out the image is only a lie, a phony fantasy, a lifeless fixation that can never deliver what it promised, all the seeming happiness are built solely on self imagination/hallucination/deceptions! Suddenly the sky starts laughing, yes it’s evidently laughing, laughing mockingly at my blindness/delusion/vanities, and at my futility/insanity/stupidities!!
I burst through this silly frame that has trapped me for life, and start wandering on the only thing I’ve got – ‘Now’…
At the shimmering blossoms of the moment, I begin to notice that the path is filled with wonderful surprises every step along the way, the kaleidoscope of beings is unfolding/swirling/mutating into unpredictable magical dazzles every second of the day…
Isn’t true beauty simply the totality of everything that’s flowing through and passing by? Why spend every ‘Present’ of life fighting??