永遠不停去瀏覽別人的世界、發掘別人的故事、應對他人的坐標,卻從未觸及自己的内心、探索内在的宇宙、或建立任何真正屬於自己的東西! 永遠不停向前,卻錯過了太多太多的當下!!
旅途是一個游移於絕望驚困和釋放高漲兩極…… 漸而一步一步嘗試摸索接近中心平衡和諧的極緩慢過程……,此格子便是途中點點滴滴的成長感悟組砌成的一段段拼圖小故事……
A nameless nobody used to dream of exhausting the entire life wandering, drifting to the end of world being forgotten, leaving behind no footprints…
One day, in a tiny Himalayan village hidden from the world, suddenly a voice came to me: This is not my truth!!
Restlessly seeking to explore the worlds of the others, browse the stories of someone else, and reference the external coordinates; yet never touched my own soul, explored the universe within, or built up anything that’s truly me! Way too much rushing, while missing out all the wonders happening right this moment!!
So I made a drastic U-turn, from going outward/forward to backward/inward, and trekked a long and lonely spiritual path to reach the inner truth through yoga, mindfulness and meditation.
The voyage is a volatile swing between release/peace/bliss and doubt/guilt/terrified, and then slowly trying to ease the mountainous conflicts and find a more balance rhythm. This work is the jigsaw of various mosaic stories of the inspirations and revelations that channeled through along the way…